Three (3) line shape as shown.
Window glazing bead or glass trim pieces can be made of wood, vinyl, PVC, plastic or aluminum. These are normally installed around the outside perimeter of the glass to secure the glass pane in unit window sash frame. Most glazing beads are a “snap in type” but can also be installed in other ways.
Properly installed glazing bead or spline will secure the glass panels (panes) while blending and finishing the look with the adjacent window trim pieces and set into the entire assembly. Most removal and repairs to old glass / old glazing will require a new glazing material to be installed. Your best online resource for glazing bead replacements is your AllWindowDoorParts Group USA.
Window glazing bead is specific to size, shape, functional detail and brand names like: Benchmark, Krest-Mark, Lincoln, Truth, Norandex, Norco, Republic, Capital, Moss, Rehau, Jordan, MW and more designed to keep the IGU [Insulated Glass Unit] secure in the sash. Various bead is of wood, steel, aluminum, vinyl, PVC, plastic and have a wide array of specifications for specific types of window glass.